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Which Australian tech roles will see the top salary growth in 2020?

Which Australian tech roles will see the top salary growth in 2020?

Contractors with niche skill sets expect to see further pay rises

Credit: Dreamstime

South Australia-based developers, Victoria-based business analysts and NSW-based robotic process automation (RPA) developers are expected to be among the top growing technology roles for wage growth in 2020, according to the results of the latest Robert Walters Salary Survey.

According to the survey, permanent developers in South Australia are expected to see the largest growth over 12 months, at 20 per cent, to a median salary of $90,000.

This is expected to be followed by contracted business analysts in Victoria, at 18 per cent, to a median rate of $100 per hour and then a tie between contracted tradefloor/application support people in NSW and contracted robotic process automation (RPA) developers in Western Australia, both at 16 per cent to a median rate of $55 and $19 per hour, respectively.

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